In this episode, I answer 10 questions on training, nutrition and business!
The Questions:
Q1- Should refeed days be on your hardest training day?
Q2- What is the BEST training program for skinny guys to gain mass?
Q3- How often do you really need to take a rest day?
Q4- What's the deal with overtraining? Is there a such thing?
Q5- If you could go back and start over, in terms of your fitness journey, what would the road map look like to becoming an elite drug free bodybuilder?
Q6- How do you decide attempts in a powerlifting meet? Why is it that some people's gym PRs are often higher than their meet PRs?
Q7- What is your morning ritual? Do you prime yourself for the day?
Q8- What are some of the best tips and tricks that might be out of the norm to help with getting good quality sleep or rest?
Q9- How to reverse diet out from a long cut or show prep diet?
Q10- What suggestions do you have for aspiring entrepreneurs in regards to transitioning from a full time job to working for yourself full time?
This podcast is brought to you by Hunt Fitness
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