Patience is one of the fundamental truths of training as a natural athlete. Without the use of anabolic steroids, you have to do a lot of things right, over a long time, to make serious gains. Dedication, desire, and discipline are all prerequisites but alone are not enough. Maximizing progress requires giving yourself every advantage possible. It’s paramount to follow a well-constructed training program, get adequate rest and recovery, sleep eight or more hours per night, and spend as much time in a caloric surplus or at least maintenance as possible.
Building muscle is hard. It’s even harder without adequate calorie intake. Luckily, the caloric surplus doesn’t need to be large. The days of “dirty bulking” are over. The truth is, only a few hundred extra calories per day will do the trick, but there are no shortcuts in physiology. Even a small to moderately sized caloric surplus will eventually result in the accumulation of body fat.
So, how do we balance building muscle and strength optimally, without getting too fat? And, how do we avoid sabotaging our progress by spending too much time in a caloric deficit? As you may have assumed from the title, this is where mini-cuts enter the picture. Sit back, relax, and enjoy!
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Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get the OG Absolute Strength Program below:
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Over the years, I find myself thinking more and more about the basics. The truth is if you have been around fitness for a few years, it's likely you know everything you need to know to achieve outstanding results. Even a quick flip through one of my beginner books will provide enough information for years of progress.
The problem is, there is a bit of joy in thinking you are not privy to the truth, that a lack of information is what's holding you back. If only you knew about the secret supplement, exercise, or "advanced" training technique.
The abundance of information available today plays into this. There are always new podcasts, articles, videos, etc. to check out. It's easy to have fitness FOMO.
Look, I love that there is so much fitness information available today. I wish I had access to it when I started. But, the point to remember is, nothing replaces the work. The content most of us should be chasing is how to develop good habits, master the fundamentals, and consistently work hard. If you do that, the results will speak for themselves.
Dave Draper has an awesome quote in his book Brother Iron Sister Steel, "The simple and commonplace, due to their ordinary nature, are almost always reduced in importance and misplaced."
Brother Iron, Sister Steel is what we are going to talk about today. In chapter two of the book, he lays out the following six keys. He actually called it the six keys to bodybuilding success, but bodybuilding in a more general sense. All of these tips apply to fitness as a whole. Sit back, relax, and enjoy!
Hire Kyle as your coach:
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get the OG Absolute Strength Program below:
Shop other training programs including - Powerbuilding, Meet Prep, Bench, etc.
Bodybuilding For Beginners on Amazon:
Get 10% OFF PR Breaker Materia Pre Workout and Hitpoint Protein: