In this episode, I answer questions from my Instagram account.
Hire Me as your coach:
Questions on the show:
1- What is your take on tempo lifting for hypertrophy? Beneficial or a waste of time?
2- How do I set up a workout plan for myself?
3- If you overeat one day, maybe for the holidays or a special occasion, should you make up for it by reducing calories on another day?
4- Hey Kyle, what are your goals for 2019?
5- What was your most memorable Christmas gift of all time?
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Strong Now with the NEW Absolute Strength V2.0 Meet Prep Edition:
Improve Your Bench Press with my 6-Week Bench Press Program:
Get 10% OFF PR Breaker Materia Pre Workout:
DISCOUNT CODE: “hunt10” at
In this episode, I answer questions from my Instagram.
Questions on the show:
1. Have you ever implemented Blood Flow Restriction Training?
2. Is training using percentages more optimal than using the RPE scale?
3. Do you have a favorite quote? And if so, what is it?
4. What are your thoughts on estimating macros instead of always tracking them?
5. When should a coach start charging for their services?
6. Is there a question you wished people asked you, but they don't?
Hire Kyle as your coach:
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Strong Now with the NEW Absolute Strength V2.0 Meet Prep Edition:
Improve Your Bench Press with my 6-Week Bench Press Program:
Get 10% OFF PR Breaker Materia Pre Workout:
DISCOUNT CODE: “hunt10” at
In this episode, I sit down with strength coach Dustin Myers. Dustin is the strength and conditioning coach for the wrestlers at the Ohio Regional Training Center. He is the co-founder of Old School Gym and a partner at Max Effort Muscle. Sit back, relax, and enjoy!
Hire Kyle as your coach:
Connect with Dustin:
Instagram: @coachmyers_gutcheck
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Strong Now with the NEW Absolute Strength V2.0 Meet Prep Edition:
Improve Your Bench Press with my 6-Week Bench Press Program:
Get 10% OFF PR Breaker Materia Pre Workout:
DISCOUNT CODE: “hunt10” at
In this episode, I sit down with Brad Couillard. We talked about all of the little details beyond just programming that makes great athletes and coaches. Sit back, relax, and enjoy!
Hire Kyle as your coach:
Connect with Brad:
Instagram: @bradcoolyard
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Strong Now with the NEW Absolute Strength V2.0 Meet Prep Edition:
Improve Your Bench Press with my 6-Week Bench Press Program:
Get 10% OFF PR Breaker Materia Pre Workout:
DISCOUNT CODE: “hunt10” at
In this episode, I sit down with 2x National Champ Martha Salaya. She started powerlifting early in high school and has never looked back. We get an inside look at how she got started, how high school powerlifting is set up in Texas, and what it's like to be a teenage girl lifting heavy ass weight! Sit back, relax, and enjoy!
Hire Kyle as your coach:
Connect with Martha:
Instagram: @marthasxox
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Strong Now with the NEW Absolute Strength V2.0 Meet Prep Edition:
Improve Your Bench Press with my 6-Week Bench Press Program:
Get 10% OFF PR Breaker Materia Pre Workout:
DISCOUNT CODE: “hunt10” at
In this episode, I answer questions from my Instagram (@huntfitness).
Questions on the show:
1. Can you explain a little bit about how creatine works, or direct me to where you explain this before?
2. Should high school football players train agility in the offseason or focus on strength?
3. Advice for a 16-year-old going through the same phase you went through as a teen? (extreme training/dieting)
4. How would you set up a training program for a female bikini competitor?
5. Do you think coaches help? I had two well-known coaches and felt I only paid for a program and the program wasn't even as good as just buying Absolute Strength.
6. What legacy do you want to leave when your time on Earth is done?
Hire Kyle as your coach:
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Strong Now with the NEW Absolute Strength V2.0 Meet Prep Edition:
Improve Your Bench Press with my 6-Week Bench Press Program:
Get 10% OFF PR Breaker Materia Pre Workout:
DISCOUNT CODE: “hunt10” at
In this episode, I sit down with IPF World Champ and 5x USAPL National Champ, Taylor Atwood.
Hire Kyle as your coach:
Connect with Taylor:
Instagram: @t_atwood
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Strong Now with the NEW Absolute Strength V2.0 Meet Prep Edition:
Improve Your Bench Press with my 6-Week Bench Press Program:
Get 10% OFF PR Breaker Materia Pre Workout:
DISCOUNT CODE: “hunt10” at
In this episode, Derek and I talk about the wide range different career opportunities out there for people interested in being in the fitness industry.
Hire Kyle as your coach:
Connect with Derek:
Instagram: @DerekCharlebois
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Strong Now with the NEW Absolute Strength V2.0 Meet Prep Edition Program: discount “podcast” saves you 10%
Improve Your Bench Press with my 6-Week Bench Press
Program: discount “podcast” saves you 10%
Get 10% OFF PR Breaker Materia Pre Workout:
DISCOUNT CODE: “hunt10” at
In this episode, Russwole makes his second appearance on the show! Russ is a 2x 83kg USAPL National Champion and recently took home the silver medal in the IPF World Championship. During the show, we talk about what could really break the sport of powerlifting out into the mainstream. How football players could dominate powerlifting if they wanted to. Why NCAA athletes should get paid. The benefits to competition. And more! Sit back, relax, and enjoy!
Hire Kyle as your coach:
Connect with Russ:
YouTube: @RusselOrhii
Instagram: russwole
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Strong Now with the NEW Absolute Strength V2.0 Meet Prep Edition Program: discount “podcast” saves you 10%
Improve Your Bench Press with my 6-Week Bench Press
Program: discount “podcast” saves you 10%
Get 10% OFF PR Breaker Materia Pre Workout:
DISCOUNT CODE: “hunt10” at
In this episode, I answer questions from my Instagram @HuntFitness.
Get my NEW book - Absolute Strength V2.0 Meet Prep Edition Here:
Questions on the show:
1. During a gaining phase, how do you know when you have gained enough weight/muscle and it's time to cut?
2. How do you hit macro and calorie goals while traveling a lot for work and living out of a hotel room? Also, how do you get in enough protein and calories while in meetings all day?
3. If your goal is powerlifting, how much added accessory work is too much?
4. Has there ever been a time when training has negatively impacted your life?
5. What advice would you give your 18 or 21 year old self?
6. It seems like you kick ass in a lot of areas in life, you are strong, a family man, and run a great business, what are some things you struggle with?
Hire Kyle as your coach:
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Pr Breaker Materia - Discount Code "hunt10"
In this episode, I answer questions from my Instagram @HuntFitness
My new book is LIVE - Absolute Strength V2.0 Meet Prep Edition
Get it here:
Save 20% off my new book with the code "blackfriday"
Questions on the show:
1. What are the best books on strength training?
2. What is the best way to break a plateau? My bench has been stuck at 290lbs for 2 years?
3. How do you determine how much volume you need, specifically relating to the Squat, Bench Press, and deadlift?
4. What are some exercises to improve grip strength?
5. How do you deal with bad workouts?
6. What is your honest opinion of steroids? Is it something you would ever consider doing?
Hire Kyle as your coach:
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Strong Now with the Absolute Strength Powerlifting Program:
Improve Your Bench Press with my 6-Week Bench Press Program:
Get 10% OFF PR Breaker Materia Pre Workout:
DISCOUNT CODE: “hunt10” at
*15% off Black Friday Special
In this episode, I am joined by Derek Charlebois and we talk about a bunch of random topics.
Hire Kyle as your coach:
Connect with Derek:
Instagram: @DerekCharlebois
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Strong Now with the Absolute Strength Powerlifting Program:
Improve Your Bench Press with my 6-Week Bench Press Program:
Get 10% OFF PR Breaker Materia Pre Workout:
DISCOUNT CODE: “hunt10” at
In this episode, I answer a wide range of questions from my Instagram @huntfitness. Sit back, relax, and enjoy!
Hire me as your coach:
Questions on the show:
1: Do you have to be strong to be a good powerlifting coach?
2: How do you properly set up a deload week?
3: Do you recommend chiropractic work as a recovery method or to help with injuries?
4: What's the best way to get an accurate measure of someone's one rep max?
5: What are your thoughts on A.I coaching?
6: How would you handle a trip (one week or longer) with no or limited access to a gym during a meet prep?
7: I'm starting a home gym, what pieces of equipment do you feel are essential?
8: What is 3 less than obvious reasons preventing people from becoming as strong as possible?
9: In your opinion, what are some of the most overrated/underrated exercises?
10: What are the pros/cons of performing top sets with backdowns vs. just straight sets?
11: I was a wrestler too, so I'm curious, what life lessons did wrestling teach you?
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Strong Now with the Absolute Strength Powerlifting Program:
Improve Your Bench Press with my 6-Week Bench Press Program:
Get 10% OFF PR Breaker Materia Pre Workout:
DISCOUNT CODE: “hunt10” at
Take your mobility to the next level with a Mobility WOD Subscription
DISCOUNT CODE: “Kyle15” at
*Or just get 10 days FREE to try it out.
In this episode, I answer questions from my Instagram @HuntFitness
Questions on the podcast:
1- How do you balance "perfect" technique with progressive overload?
2- I'm 43 years old and finding it hard to put pounds on my total. I'm pretty sure I need to up my volume and/or frequency but as soon as I do, I get overuse injuries. How do you make progress as an older lifter that needs more recovery?
3- How do you program accessory exercises differently in a strength block vs. a hypertrophy block?
4- Can you realistically improve all three lifts in a training cycle, or is it better to focus on 1 or 2?
5- Do you see a benefit or carry over from belt squats/pitshark to the back squat and deadlift?
6- Does cardio actually "kill" strength, and if so, at what point does cardio diminish strength?
7- Can you grow muscle in a caloric deficit?
8- How do you calculate how many calories you burn in a day?
9- Thoughts on excelling in your fitness journey with limited finances - as someone who can't afford basic supplements, enough food, and professional coaching services?
10- How has fitness changed your life?
Hire Kyle as your coach:
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Strong Now with the Absolute Strength Powerlifting Program:
Improve Your Bench Press with my 6-Week Bench Press Program:
Get 10% OFF PR Breaker Materia Pre Workout:
DISCOUNT CODE: “hunt10” at
Take your mobility to the next level with a Mobility WOD Subscription
DISCOUNT CODE: “Kyle15” at
*Or just get 10 days FREE to try it out.
In this episode, I sit down with American Top Team Head Strength and Conditioning Coach Phil Daru. Phil has worked with multiple world champions as a strength coach for fighters such as Joanna Jedrzejczyk, King Mo Lawal, Tecia Torres, Dustin Poirier, Amanda Nunes, all at the world famous American Top Team. One of the major talking points on the show was how to balance the Strength and Conditioning of fighters with the different demands MMA training presents - striking, wrestling, Jiu-Jitsu, etc. Sit back, relax, and enjoy!
Hire Kyle as your coach:
Connect with Phil:
Instagram: @darustrong
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Strong Now with the Absolute Strength Powerlifting Program:
Improve Your Bench Press with my 6-Week Bench Press Program:
Get 10% OFF PR Breaker Materia Pre Workout:
DISCOUNT CODE: “hunt10” at
Take your mobility to the next level with a Mobility WOD Subscription
DISCOUNT CODE: “Kyle15” at
*Or just get 10 days FREE to try it out.
In this episode, I answer questions from my Instagram @huntfitness
Hire Kyle as your coach:
Questions on the show:
1. [8:55] Macrocycle Planning for a mini cut/short fat loss phase?
2. [19:10] Number one piece of advice for someone who is constantly tweaking muscles?
3. [32:06] Can you effectively gain strength and size at the same time or should one be prioritized more?
4. [38:38] How do you feel about glucose disposal agents, effective or a waste of money?
5. [44:25] Are front squats a good option as an assistance exercise to help build a powerlifting competition squat?
6. [54:30] How much rest should you take between sets?
7. [1:01:45] What are your best strategies to satisfy cravings and help with hunger on a fat loss phase?
8. [1:11:26] Hydrolyzed Whey and Whey Isolate digest easier and more rapidly, but is it worth the extra cost?
9. [1:17:25] Why is it necessary to consume high sodium/ high-calorie foods on meet day?
10. [1:25:30] Who do you admire the most/who is your inspiration in the fitness world?
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Strong Now with the Absolute Strength Powerlifting Program:
Improve Your Bench Press with my 6-Week Bench Press Program:
Get 10% OFF PR Breaker Materia Pre Workout:
DISCOUNT CODE: “hunt10” at
Take your mobility to the next level with a Mobility WOD Subscription
DISCOUNT CODE: “Kyle15” at
*Or just get 10 days FREE to try it out.
In this episode, I sit down with IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Ben Pakulski to talk about some unique methods to get jacked. We touched on how meditation can help you build muscle, why there is no such thing as "weak body parts", nutrition, and more. Sit back, relax, and enjoy!
Hire Kyle as your coach:
Connect with Ben:
Instagram: @bpakfitness
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Strong Now with the Absolute Strength Powerlifting Program:
Improve Your Bench Press with my 6-Week Bench Press Program:
Get 10% OFF PR Breaker Materia Pre Workout:
DISCOUNT CODE: “hunt10” at
Take your mobility to the next level with a Mobility WOD Subscription
DISCOUNT CODE: “Kyle15” at
*Or just get 10 days FREE to try it out.
In this episode, I talk about getting involved in the sport of powerlifting. When should you make the jump and compete in a powerlifting meet? Are you strong enough? Is it the right time? What is my biggest regret in the sport of powerlifting? And more...Sit back, relax, and enjoy!
Hire Kyle as your coach:
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Strong Now with the Absolute Strength Powerlifting Program:
Improve Your Bench Press with my 6-Week Bench Press Program:
Get 10% OFF PR Breaker Materia Pre Workout:
DISCOUNT CODE: “hunt10” at
Take your mobility to the next level with a Mobility WOD Subscription
DISCOUNT CODE: “Kyle15” at
*Or just get 10 days FREE to try it out.
In this episode, Derek Charlebois and I answer a bunch of questions from my Instagram (@huntfitness).
Questions on the show:
Q1 (7:00) - Thoughts on the new proposed IPF rule changes, specifically regarding the bench press arch and knee sleeves?
Q2: (20:18) - What do you do if you seem to be stuck in a prolonged rut with your fitness and it's affecting your motivation?
Q3: (30:08) - If someone can't achieve quality reps on high rep sets, is it even worth doing them? Should you just accumulate volume with more sets and lower rep ranges?
Q4: (34:55) - Can you dive a bit into the steps to become a successful online coach?
Q5: (56:56) - When should you wear a belt on squats?
Q6: (1:09:22) - Thoughts on fasting in general? Are there any major health benefits to intermittent and/or full day fasting?
Q7: (1:19:06) - What does your current training and diet look like? How do you gain strength while maintaining body weight?
Q8: (1:30:10) - Thoughts on George Lockhardt recommending caffeine post workout for his athletes on Joe Rogan's podcast?
Q9: (1:43:12) - What do you recommend eating to fuel the body during a powerlifting meet?
Q10: (1:55:28) - What are some go-to songs when going for a PR?
Q11: (1:55:28) - What are your top 5 recommended books for self-development?
Q12: (2:07:08) - How do you set up diets differently for powerlifters/strength athletes vs bodybuilders?
Q13: (2:10:55) - I have been benching 4x/week getting ready for a meet. I'm currently 3 weeks out and feeling some slight wrist and elbow tenderness. What are some things I can do to relieve pain and feel ready for meet day?
Hire Kyle as your coach:
Connect with Derek:
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Strong Now with the Absolute Strength Powerlifting Program:
Get 10% OFF PR Breaker Materia Pre Workout:
DISCOUNT CODE: “hunt10” at
Take your mobility to the next level with a Mobility WOD Subscription
DISCOUNT CODE: “Kyle15” at
*Or just get 10 days FREE to try it out.
In this episode, I sit down with Brett Bartholomew. Brett is a keynote speaker, performance coach & consultant, best-selling author, and Founder of the performance coaching and consulting company, The Bridge Human Performance. His experience includes working with athletes both in the team environment and private sector along with members of the United States Special Forces and members of Fortune 500 companies. Sit back, relax and enjoy!
Hire Kyle as your coach:
Connect with Brett:
Instagram: coach_brettb
Get Brett's book Conscious Coaching HERE
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Strong Now with the Absolute Strength Powerlifting Program:
Get 10% OFF PR Breaker Materia Pre Workout:
DISCOUNT CODE: “hunt10” at
Take your mobility to the next level with a Mobility WOD Subscription
DISCOUNT CODE: “Kyle15” at
*Or just get 10 days FREE to try it out.
In this episode, I sit down with my good friend Joe Stanek. We talk about the most hyped weight classes at 2018 raw nationals, strict curls, and the coach/athlete relationship. Sit back, relax, and enjoy!
Hire Kyle as your coach:
Connect with Joe:
Instagram: @Joe_tsa
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Strong Now with the Absolute Strength Powerlifting Program:
Get 10% OFF PR Breaker Materia Pre Workout:
DISCOUNT CODE: “hunt10” at
Take your mobility to the next level with a Mobility WOD Subscription
DISCOUNT CODE: “Kyle15” at
*Or just get 10 days FREE to try it out.
In this episode, I talk about 7 reasons why you are not losing weight or fat. For most people, it's not a lack of information that is holding them back the most. On the surface level, most people know how to 'diet". It's the little things that create the most problems - a sedentary lifestyle, untracked eating, not navigating restaurants and celebrations correctly, lack of patience, and more. This is a long one so sit back, relax and enjoy!
Hire Kyle as your coach:
2016 Article:
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Strong Now with the Absolute Strength Powerlifting Program:
Get 10% OFF PR Breaker Materia Pre Workout:
DISCOUNT CODE: “hunt10” at
Take your mobility to the next level with a Mobility WOD Subscription
DISCOUNT CODE: “Kyle15” at
*Or just get 10 days FREE to try it out.
In this episode, I sit down with strength coach Tony Gentilcore. This is an old-fashioned bro session. We just turn on the mics and talk shop. Tony is one of the co-founders of Cressey Sports Performance. Now he trains people at his studio, CORE, located in Boston, MA. He also contributes to some of the top fitness magazines and websites around. Sit back, relax, and enjoy!
Hire Kyle as your coach:
Connect with Tony:
Instagram: @TonyGentilcore
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Strong Now with the Absolute Strength Powerlifting Program:
Get 10% OFF PR Breaker Materia Pre Workout:
DISCOUNT CODE: “hunt10” at
Take your mobility to the next level with a Mobility WOD Subscription
DISCOUNT CODE: “Kyle15” at
*Or just get 10 days FREE to try it out.
In this episode, I sit down with fellow Dad and fitness coach, Brian Minor. This episode is a little different. We wanted to touch on a topic not talked about much - parenting from the father's perspective. How has being a parent changed the way we train, run our companies, and manage time? Look, even if you are not a parent (yet) this episode can be valuable. Living life with more purpose and getting better at time management are two things almost everyone can improve on. Sit back, relax, and enjoy!
Hire Kyle as your coach:
Connect with Brian:
Instagram: @bdminor
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Strong Now with the Absolute Strength Powerlifting Program:
Get 10% OFF PR Breaker Materia Pre Workout:
DISCOUNT CODE: “hunt10” at
Take your mobility to the next level with a Mobility WOD Subscription
DISCOUNT CODE: “Kyle15” at
*Or just get 10 days FREE to try it out.
In this episode, I sit down with bodybuilder Austin Stout. We talk about coaching, unique tactics Austin used for his last bodybuilding prep, training, and much more. Sit back, relax, and enjoy!
Hire Kyle as your coach:
Connect with Austin:
Instagram: @Austinst8
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Strong Now with the Absolute Strength Powerlifting Program:
Get 10% OFF PR Breaker Materia Pre Workout:
DISCOUNT CODE: “hunt10” at
Take your mobility to the next level with a Mobility WOD Subscription
DISCOUNT CODE: “Kyle15” at
*Or just get 10 days FREE to try it out.