In this episode, I answer questions mostly surrounding building muscle and getting jacked! Sit back, relax and enjoy!
Hire Kyle as your coach:
Questions on the show:
Q1- Hi Kyle, I started lifting weights a couple years ago but honestly I just started making progress about 6 months ago when I bought your Absolute Strength Program. My question is, if I am following your Absolute Strength Program, what is the best way to go about my nutrition to make sure I continue gaining muscle and strength? For context, I am 6ft tall and weight 165lbs.
Q2 - I seem to get mixed opinions on this depending on who I ask, and imagine some other lifters might too: The idea of direct ab work.
So, ab work in general (probably especially the types where you're not purposely causing too much lumbar flexion, extension, and torsion) like planks, ab-wheel rollouts, roman chair leg lifts and such - are they really beneficial to a lifter from the perspective of helping you become a better lifter? I mean, I get the structural benefits of having strong abs to support your lower back but can ab work actually help put lbs onto your total?
Q3 – I understand hypertrophy is very important to getting stronger. Are there any benefits to spending a large portion of time in a powerlifting offseason focusing almost entirely on hypertrophy/bodybuilding training with maybe only one top set per week between 1-5 reps for Squat, Bench, and Deadlift?
Q4: What are the best foods to eat if you struggle to take in enough calories during a weight gaining cycle? Keep in mind, I’m a college kid with limited funds.
Q5: What are your favorite exercises for each muscle group with the purpose of building muscle?
Q6: What is the purpose behind all your #consistency posts on Instagram?
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Strong Now with the Absolute Strength Powerlifting Program:
Get 10% OFF PR Breaker Materia Pre Workout:
DISCOUNT CODE: “hunt10” at
Take your mobility to the next level with a Mobility WOD Subscription
DISCOUNT CODE: “Kyle15” at
*Or just get 10 days FREE to try it out.
In this episode, Derek Charlebois and I answer training questions from my Instagram. Sit back, relax and enjoy!
Questions we answer on the show:
1- USAPL Southeast Regionals Meet Recap
2- What are your thoughts on people who are "boycotting" the USAPL?
3- How long of a rest do you take after a meet before returning to structured training?
4- Optimal weekly volume/frequency for the big 3 for an intermediate lifter?
5- Do you put more emphasis on the Squat, Bench, and Deadlift or do you put more emphasis on accessories and variations?
6- What does your training look like the week leading up to a meet?
7- What is the best way to recover from a joint injury?
8- Lifting split to supplement training jiu-jitsu 4x a week?
9- What do you like most about competing?
10- Do you ever see yourself changing training styles? ie. CrossFit, Strongman, Bodybuilding, Olympic Lifting, etc
11- How often should you try to hit PRs in the gym? Also, how often can you implement heavy singles in training?
12- How would you adjust training and nutrition if you were working a labor-intensive job 10 hours a day?
Hire Kyle as your coach:
Connect with Derek:
Instagram: @DerekCharlebois
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Strong Now with the Absolute Strength Powerlifting Program:
Get 10% OFF PR Breaker Materia Pre Workout:
DISCOUNT CODE: “hunt10” at
Take your mobility to the next level with a Mobility WOD Subscription
DISCOUNT CODE: “Kyle15” at
*Or just get 10 days FREE to try it out.
In this episode, I sit down with powerlifting world champ, Charlie Dickson.
Hire Kyle as your coach:
Connect with Charlie:
Instagram: @cdickson3245
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Strong Now with the Absolute Strength Powerlifting Program:
Get 10% OFF PR Breaker Materia Pre Workout:
DISCOUNT CODE: “hunt10” at
Take your mobility to the next level with a Mobility WOD Subscription
DISCOUNT CODE: “Kyle15” at
*Or just get 10 days FREE to try it out.
In this episode, I sit down with MTV Star and Fitness Entrepreneur, Emily Schromm.
Hire Kyle as your coach:
Connect with Emily:
Instagram: @EmilySchromm
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Strong Now with the Absolute Strength Powerlifting Program:
Get 10% OFF PR Breaker Materia Pre Workout:
DISCOUNT CODE: “hunt10” at
Take your mobility to the next level with a Mobility WOD Subscription
DISCOUNT CODE: “Kyle15” at
*Or just get 10 days FREE to try it out.
In this episode, I answer questions submitted from Instagram and my newsletter subscribers. Sit back, relax and enjoy!
Hire Kyle as your coach:
Questions on the show:
1- How do you design training programs for older athletes in their late 30's or early 40's?
2- Do you use the RPE scale or percentage based training for intermediate lifters?
3- How do you improve speed off the floor with sumo deadlifts?
4- Do you calculate the volume lifted for all of your programs, or do you simply increase intensity over time?
5- If you had to pick one, what is more important - consistency in your diet or training?
6- What is the peak age performance wise of a strength athlete?
7- Thoughts on training volume vs. intensity for the best way to increase strength?
8- What are some tips for building a big chest?
9- Do you ever do any hypertrophy training? Or, do all of the gains come from powerlifting?
10- How do you know when you're approaching your genetic potential/limit as a strength athlete? Or, is there even such a thing as a genetic ceiling?
11- Do you believe in bodyweight set points? If so, how do you set one after losing weight?
12- Do you always program deloads every 4 weeks or no? Also, what are your thoughts on peaking for a beginner lifter?
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Strong Now with the Absolute Strength Powerlifting Program:
Get 10% OFF PR Breaker Materia Pre Workout:
DISCOUNT CODE: “hunt10” at
Take your mobility to the next level with a Mobility WOD Subscription
DISCOUNT CODE: “Kyle15” at
*Or just get 10 days FREE to try it out.
In this episode, I answer questions from my Instagram and newsletter subscribers.
Questions in the show:
Q1- With a powerlifting meet coming up, I'm curious how you go about attempt selection?
Q2- Are there any "hacks" to figuring out a good amount of carbs to eat in a day?
Q3- When eating protein, does it help build muscle the day of or for yesterday's lift?
Q4- Will you compete at Raw Nationals in 2018 and/or 2019?
Q5- What are some traits that a person can have that says they have a "great" genetics?
Q6- Is there a sponsorship or job offer you wished you had not turned down or regret taking on?
Q7- Do you overhead press for bench press gains?
Q8- What is your daily stretching/mobility routine?
Q9- What are your views on bench or squat everyday styles of training during a bench or squat focused block? Is there any benefit to it or does it do more harm than good?
Q10- How do you prevent elbow pain on low bar squats?
Q11- Can you do too much mobility work?
Q12- What is the most overlooked aspect of being a personal trainer or an online coach?
Hire Kyle as your coach:
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Strong Now with the Absolute Strength Powerlifting Program:
Get 10% OFF PR Breaker Materia Pre Workout:
DISCOUNT CODE: “hunt10” at
Take your mobility to the next level with a Mobility WOD Subscription
DISCOUNT CODE: “Kyle15” at
*Or just get 10 days FREE to try it out.
In this episode, I talk about 7 common powerlifting (and general strength training) mistakes I frequently see athletes make. Sit back, relax, and enjoy!
Hire Kyle as your coach:
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Strong Now with the Absolute Strength Powerlifting Program:
Get 10% OFF PR Breaker Materia Pre Workout:
DISCOUNT CODE: “hunt10” at
Take your mobility to the next level with a Mobility WOD Subscription
DISCOUNT CODE: “Kyle15” at
*Or just get 10 days FREE to try it out.