In this episode, I talk about if you can be too obsessed with fitness and answer questions submitted by listeners.
Q 1: When trying to build muscle, how often should you change workout programs, exercises, etc.?
Q2: Is there any application for using BFR training for powerlifting accessories?
Q3: Hey Kyle, I want to get an exercise bike for my house. Do you have any recommendations?
Q4: Is it more important to do the programmed number of reps during a set or end at the right RPE/RIR? For example, if the weight is too light, should you stop at six or do 9 or 10 if you can at the prescribed RPE?
Q5: When is the best time to do mobility work? Is it before or after the workout? I have heard both recommended.
Q6: Are there any benefits to wearing a mouth guard when lifting?
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