In this episode, Derek and I answer a variety of questions submitted by the podcast listeners. If you have a question you want us to answer on the show, send me an email at or on Instagram @huntfitness.
Questions on the show:
1. Was there one tweak or change you made to your own program back in the day that proved to be the key to getting bigger and/or stronger?
2. In drug-tested powerlifting, how common do you think it is for lifters to try to "beat the test" by taking drugs outside of competition or taking things that might not be tested for?
3. What are your thoughts on emphasizing complete full range of motion training like Mike Israetel and others promote, and is there ever a case for partial reps?
4. What do your most successful clients have in common?
5. Do you have any tips or tricks to help improve stubborn arms and calves to get them to finally grow?
6. Is there ever a reason or benefit to split up training into two sessions per day?
7. How do you maintain the love for training after 10 or 15 years?
8. What is your favorite Christmas movie?
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Connect with Derek:
Instagram: @DerekCharlebois
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
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