In this episode, I take questions from my newsletter on a variety of topics! Sorry this episode is a few days late. I will make it up to you! Thank you so much for all the support and feedback! The podcast has been growing a ton lately! If you enjoy the show, please share it with ONE friend you think would enjoy it also!
Q1, Nick - When should you cut your calories lower or add more cardio during a cut. Or which one should you try first?
Q2, Cameron - How to get your meals/macros in when you have a busy schedule and aren't a big eater. Bulking
Q3, Abigail - What kind of pre-workout would you recommend to use during meet prep for USAPL?
Q4, What supplements do I recommend and not recommend?
Q5, Don - How to go about reverse dieting? Macros to follow when reverse dieting and should refeeds be included until bmr is reached
Q6, Jaime - What is your favorite physical feature about yourself? Your favorite non-physical quality about yourself?
Q7, Sarah - I would love for you to talk about: How to build muscle as a female, how many rest days one should take a week, etc. for a female trying to add size!
Q8, Kevin - In regards to programming, how often, or in what training blocks, do you prescribe heavy singles prior to volume work or is it something that you regularly program throughout the year?
Q9, Isaac - Hey, Kyle wanted to ask if you have ever struggled with gaining weight (the mental part of it) after being lean
Q10, Grambi - What's your favorite donut? lol and if you're not a donut fan, favorite cookie? favorite ice cream?
For the show notes head over to the Hunt Fitness website
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