In this episode, I sit down with strength and conditioning coach Jacob Ross. Jacob has a unique background in the fitness industry. He has worked with athletes of all ages, sizes and skill level including the likes of NFL running back Matt Forte and NBA player Luol Deng. It's rare to get an inside look at how pro athletes really train. How do they warm up, what lifts do they do, etc? We talked a lot about that in this episode along with how to build a "dream" career in the fitness industry. Sit back, relax and enjoy!
Connect with Jacob:
Instagram: @jacob.w.ross
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Strong Now with the Absolute Strength Powerlifting Program:
In this episode, I sit down with IFBB Pro Bodybuilder and coach, John Meadows. I remember reading about Meadows Mountain Dog program in the magazines 7-8 years ago. John is a legend in the bodybuilding world and has a ton of knowledge. This episode is filled with practical information about training and nutrition. My challenge to you is to try and pick up at least one thing to implement this week. Enjoy!
Absolute Strength Powerlifting Program:
Connect with John:
YouTube: MountainDog1
Instagram: @MountainDog1
Connect with Kyle:
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Instagram: @HuntFitness
In this episode, I sit down with Elite Powerlifter Ben Pollack. Ben recently won 40 thousand dollars at the CETC US Open for the best lightweight lifter. Ben is one of the best powerlifters pound for pound in the world. He also has one of the best physiques in powerlifting right now. We talked a lot about Ben's training, nutrition, and weight cutting strategies that have helped him in his powerlifting career. There is a lot of quality information in this episode. Sit back, relax and enjoy!
Connect with Ben:
Instagram: @Phdeadlift
YouTube: Ben Pollack
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @HuntFitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Absolute Strength Powerlifting Program:
In this episode, I sit down with Zach Rocheleau. Zach runs Flexible Dieting Lifestyles. If you want to see some food porn, head over to his Instagram! We covered a lot of topics in this one. Everything from overcoming injuries, changing career directions, and of course how to make your food look and taste amazing while still fitting your macros. The overarching theme of this podcast was simple. If you want to achieve great things, you must first find your "why".
I hope you enjoy the episode.
Don't forget, use the code "Absolute Strength" to get 15% off anything on Zach's website below.
Connect with Zach:
Instagram: @TheFlexibleDietingLifestyle
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @HuntFitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Strong Now! Check out the Absolute Strength Powerlifting Program below:
In this episode, I answer questions submitted from my newsletter.
Sign up for my newsletter here:
Podcast Questions:
*Question 1.) 2017 Raw Nationals Review + My thoughts on DLB competing in the USAPL.
*Question 2.) A- With more recent studies coming out each day about how bad sugar is for you and how backward our guidelines for nutrition are, do you think we should follow more of a higher fat and lower carb diet rather than this low-fat medium carb medium protein diet the doctors have been feeding us since the 50s? I hear a lot of talks that higher fat diets are more beneficial for a healthier lifestyle (I’m not talking about keto). B- Are whey protein shakes used to help meet protein goals, cost effective? Or is it cheaper to get your protein from only food base sources.
*Question 3.) I know you are an evidence-based coach but are there any aspects of “bro science” that you use for yourself or clients? Why or why not?
*Question 4.) A- In your opinion does the squat help or aid in the deadlift? Do you think for example if you only did deadlifts in your program without squats and then added squatting to the program you would see an improvement in your deadlift? B- Have you ever watched Steve Austin’s broken skull ranch? If so have you ever thought of doing it and how do you think you would fair?
*Question 5.) How long should you rest between sets when the goal is strength?
*Question 6.) What are your favorite movies to watch for motivation?
*Question 7.) How do you compensate carbs for fats or vice versa what is the exact equation? For example when you go over and trying to even it out through the following days, or planning on eating a bit more for a specific occasion?
*Question 8.) Who are your favorite YouTubers? Furthermore, which do you think provide the most to their viewers?
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @HuntFitness
Get Strong Now with the Absolute Strength Powerlifting Program:
In this episode, I sit down with natural pro bodybuilder Chris Elkins. We started off the conversation talking about the state of natural bodybuilding. Is natural bodybuilding dead? What are some things that might have caused a decline in Natural Bodybuilding?
Other topics we discuss:
*The importance of progression in your training
*Growing a Social Media Following
*The bodyweight illusion
*Building an online coaching business
And more...
Connect with Chris:
Instagram: Chris_Elkins
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @HuntFitness
Get the Absolute Strength Powerlifting Program here: