In this episode, I sit down with an all-around bad ass, Stefanie Cohen. Stefi is one of, if not the strongest female powerlifters in the world pound for pound! At a bodyweight of 123lbs, she squats over 400 pounds, benches over 200 pounds and deadlifts well over 500 pounds! In addition to being an elite powerlifter, she is also a business owner and currently pursuing a degree in Physical Therapy. During the show, we touch on the training methods that helped create this monster, dealing with "haters" and her goals for 2018!
Sit back, grab some caffeine and enjoy!
Hire Kyle as your coach:
Connect with Stefi:
Instagram: @steficohen
Connect with Kyle:
Instagram: @huntfitness
YouTube: @HuntFitnessTV
Get Strong Now with the Absolute Strength Powerlifting Program:
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