In this episode, I answer questions from my newsletter.
Questions on the show:
Q#1: I have been lifting consistently for five years. I listen to your podcast and others for advice on nutrition and weight lifting. However, all the information is for the young lifter. I am 50 years old. I would like to hear advice on how to make progress as an older lifter. Older lifters have some limitations that younger lifters don’t. Thanks.
Q#2: Do you think diet culture history could have been different if we didn't use the word "fat" for both dietary and body fat?
Q#3: How should we approach vacations with our fitness goals? Should we continue to be aware of our macros/find ways to train? Or should we give ourselves a diet and training break on these occasions?
Q#4: Have you ever considered starting your own supplement company?
Q#5: You have probably answered this in the past, but should you have lower calories on rest days? Could not doing this potentially stall progress?
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